Key opinion Leadership

Public Speaking

Transforming Audiences Through Thoughtful Storytelling

Having spoken on many stages, to hundreds of people at a time, Zoe brings a strong and embodied presence to her live presentations. With or without a slideshow to accompany, her structured "transmissions" awaken the masses and incite paradigm shifting curiosity. She is passionate about the restoration of the divine feminine and divine union on our planet; so her talks typically focus on these two topics. As well as teaching others how to live their dharma, their unique purpose for being alive.


Disclosurefest is an annual mass meditation, yoga, music and arts festival in Los Angeles. Zoë was asked to come speak here in 2022 on The Divine Feminine Awakening, after one of the producers of the festival saw her talk at Conscious Life Expo. In this talk, she covered returning to the Earth as the Mother, Mary Magdalene and the 3 core wounds of the sacred feminine, how to honor your feminine design and love yourself fiercely as a microcosm to the macrocosm.

Key Opinion Leadership

Conscious Life Expo

An annual spiritual and metaphysical expo in Los Angeles, CA, geared toward planetary transformation. Featuring keynote speakers, workshops, vendors and more.

Key Opinion Leadership

Conscious Life Expo

An annual spiritual and metaphysical expo in Los Angeles, CA, geared toward planetary transformation. Featuring keynote speakers, workshops, vendors and more.

4x Speaker

Zoë has spoken at this expo 4 times, covering a range of topics like: Cultivating Union Within & Without, Divine Feminine Awakening and Creatrix Consciousness.

Panel Moderator

Zoë moderated a panel discussion at the 2022 Expo on Divine Duality where 6 thought-leaders were in a discussion about the integration of the divine feminine and masculine on our planet.

"Zoë is a true leader, holding a torch for women & men alike as they lean into their god- and goddess-given permission to shine as their fully realized selves." - Sarah R.

Workshops Zoe has facilitated

  • shivakti tantra yoga at annual mycelium festival
  • (x2) annual 'unveiling' dark feminine activation
  • (x3) mary magdalene feast day ceremony
  • egyptian goddess hathor activation
  • tantric rose goddess workshop at daylong goddess festival
  • new & full moon women's circles

Event Bookings

new & full moon circles
oracle card readings
divine feminine ceremonies for women:
birthday parties, bachelorette parties, etc.
panel discussions
public speaking/keynotes

By working with Zoe, I was able to become more confident in owning my sexuality, my intuition, and my inner priestess

I was drawn to work with Zoe because I could feel that she was embodying the codes of an ancient lineage that honors the divine feminine aspect of creation. I can say that after working with her, I feel so nourished and supported by how she held me and authentically connected with me on a soul level which allowed me to connect even more deeply with myself. She is one of the few mentors I have worked with who live by what she teaches and treats her work as a divine offering on the altar of love. Our time together served as a powerful and beautiful initiation for me and I will be forever grateful for the opportunity to work with such a beautiful coach and priestess. 

Chelsea T.

Before I met Zoe, I had insecurities around my spiritual practice and life purpose

I used to struggle in confusion with being a woman in our world today. I feared my sexuality, sensuality & body. I hid & apologized for my power. I never realized the importance of connecting with other women in sisterhood because we were taught to be afraid and in competition. She has changed all of this for me. Through her deep love & passion for divine feminine wisdom, her calling to teach women about their powerful bodies + energy, her commitment to making others feel SO GOOD, safe & complete with who they are + her guidance towards sacred embodiment, self-love and sovereignty; she has changed my mindset & empowered me to reclaim my truth. She holds space in such a gentle, delicious way. Her energy can be described as deep, passionate and loving. She is a revolutionary in her field of work and I cannot wait to see where she leads us.

Kelsey J.

There are no words to describe the woman Zoe is and what she has done for me and so many others!

She has a way of holding space but remaining realistic and honest, listening to every word and helping women tap into the best versions of themselves. She helped me find the light in life when it had darkened, and has given me and so many others the tools to continue to dive into the love that is within all of us. Coming back “home” to myself and living my best life- taking control of my timeline and honing in on all that is me.

Sadie B.

My time with Zoë was one of the most aligned connections from any mentor I’ve ever had.

We were absolutely fated to meet. There were so many synchronistic love notes from the universe that brought us together and I’m forever grateful for our process together. Zoë holds the most loving space in her mentorship container. I always felt so loved, nourished and held; which allowed me to soften into my heart more and more as the weeks left on. I call her my "Love Doula" because she rebirthed me back into my heart space. She was the missing puzzle piece to my own heart-led business. I was given so many tools and inspired guidance that I still use after our time together. I’ve been able to reconnect back to myself after having been led astray for some time. The flame for self-love was reignited within me so now I can fully step forward into the woman I am meant to lead as.

Kim A.

My mentorship with Zoe was easily the best investment I’ve made in myself

The positive ripple of our mentorship container on my life and well-being cannot be understated. She gave me practical tools & daily practices for my conscious mind, and uniquely tailored hypnosis meditations to heal my subconscious. Through gentle inquiry, she invited me into new ways of relating to myself and my femininity. By the time we completed our container, I felt more secure in myself, but even more importantly I felt empowered in the knowing that I knew what my soul needed to feel nourished. So much of my continued evolution has been catalyzed by seeds planted during our time together. I have deep gratitude to Zoe for the medicine she has to share with us all. Her devotion to her path is unparalleled, and it shows in the impact of her expression.

Karen F.

I’ve done almost all of Zoe’s offerings and continue to attend them all whenever I can

They always ends up being exactly the medicine I need! I am so grateful to know Zoe, she is amazing and I can’t imagine my life without her guidance and support anymore! Most importantly her one on one coaching. The way she creates female community is impeccably HEART CENTERED AND LED. ❤️

Jenna Rose

Wow…. how do I put into words what can only be felt?

My experience with Zoe has been incredibly transformative in so many areas of my being. I feel in touch with my feminine nature in a way I never knew possible. Her guidance, wisdom, nurturance and just plain FUN spirit have made this journey deeper into myself exciting and joyful. I am so grateful to know her and to walk this path alongside her.

Lexi G

Zoë is a true leader, holding a torch for women and men alike

Zoë is a true leader, holding a torch for women and men alike as they lean into their god and goddess-given permission to shine as their fully realized selves. To simply be in the presence of Zoë (as a student, mentee, attendee, or even as a friend) is to experience a full immersion in the transformative waters of divine feminine codes—those ancient, timeless truths embedded deep in the psyche of every single human being, waiting patiently to be activated as we follow the breadcrumbs right up to our own altars of truth for a better, more love-driven world.

Sarah R.

Before working with Zoe, I was afraid that I did not fit in and could not form healthy, lasting relationships with most women

She showed me that not only could I, but I belonged and was fully embraced when I showed who I was! It is such a beautiful and comforting feeling to know that. Because of our work together, I now feel confident that I can be friends with nearly anyone. I now feel that I belong, not just in my own community and circles, but in the world.

Suzannah W.

Working with Zoe has been a life-changing experience for me

She shows you what true sisterhood is all about and creates this loving, safe environment to show who you truly are inside. She’s helped me discover blockages I didn’t even know I had. Her fiery, sweet, gentle, loving energy just makes you feel safe. She has shown me what it is to be a true badass, create boundaries & follow my true path.

Tiffany Lynn

Zoe truly speaks to my soul and I am so blessed to have worked with her

Her being a mirror for my deepest healing has been such a blessing. Anyone needing a dose of daily wisdom take a moment to check out her beautiful IG page and content!

Jade May

You seriously need Zoë in your life!

Zoe gives women permission to become themselves.

Karina P.

With Zoe’s guidance, I have stepped into my Divine Feminine energy, and life has become so much more fun!

Zoe taught me what it means to own my beauty and talents. As women, we all have something incredibly beautiful & unique to offer this world. She provides loving presence & encouragement as you step into your greatness. When working with Zoe, you become part of a Divine Sisterhood. You learn to see the beauty in all women. Life becomes a fabulous celebration and no longer an endless competition. I cannot recommend her enough.

Samantha I.

One of the best investments of my life

Trusting Zoe and allowing myself to be guided by her intuitive, learned and magnetic mastery of the divine feminine has been one of the best investments of my life. It comes with an ever-growing return- my confidence in myself and in life have skyrocketed since. She has shown me how to connect authentically with myself, which naturally improved all other relationships I have with the external world. Thank you my dear Zoe for your service to women and the collective ❤️ I would not be where I am today without you! I highly recommend working with Zoe if you are looking to live your life in the most rewarding and beautiful way possible.

Victoria W.

Course Only

3 PAYMENT OF $1000

Course + Zoe

1 PAYMENT OF $3000

I'm Here For You Gorgeous!

i truly believe that you are here to dazzle this world awake

Femininity and Divinity are two realms that have been left in the dark for centuries, and we are now experiencing a collective remembrance of these ancient codes. I am here to help you bridge the gap- as the multidimensional vessel of love, truth, beauty, pleasure & power that you came here to be.