A soothing psychic bath to clear your energetic field before bed.
If so, this meditation is for you, babe.
Every day you accumulate external energy that does not belong to you (or serve you) which stagnates & distorts your own psychic + auric field.
The first 30 minutes upon waking, and the 30 minute window before going to sleep, are when your subconscious mind is the most prime & susceptible to suggestion + information.
This is why it is not ideal to be on your phone mindlessly consuming first thing upon waking or right before bed.
This meditation serves to sweep the day away, cleansing you of what is not yours + not serving your highest, so that you may be energetically clean & clear for dreamtime. Priming you for a cleaner connection to the Divine & a peaceful night's sleep. 🌙
It is a beautiful way to reclaim your energy, clear your vessel and reset into your natural state of ease, clarity and internal attunement. Allowing you to rest back into love & equanimity, putting you into a deeply relaxed state for a beautiful night's sleep. 💤
A soothing psychic bath to clear your energetic field before bed.
PURCHASEThis mentorship program is designed for the woman ready to awaken to her feminine radiance, magnetism, and soft power. She seeks a connection to her sensuality, yoni, womb, creativity, and, most importantly, her sacral power. Desiring to establish a profound link with the earth, her menstrual cycles, and an overall sense of connection to the divine feminine and sisterhood, she learns to see women as allies and reveres the innate beauty within herself and those around her.
Throughout this program, she explores the realms of pleasure and prayer, weaving them into her daily existence. This journey leads to a deeper spiritual connection, experiencing immense and lasting self-love. The program serves as a profound return to herself, leaving her feeling more alive, embodied, confident, magnetic, and deeply in love with both herself and life.
Dare to Dharma is an exclusive mentorship program designed for the dedicated feminine leader committed to soulful business and female entrepreneurship. With a clear sense of purpose, mission, and a compelling message, she is devoted to being a divine channel and serving the highest truth of her being for the greater good. Her focus is on leading and creating from a place of love, developing high-ticket and group offerings, all while upholding the core value of integrity. We also work with the subconscious mind to alchemize the fears and blocks around putting yourself out there and fully committing to your soul’s purpose.